March 21, 2022
News Posts
Middle Eastern countries are either silent or hostile to the Biden Administration’s effort to bring them onboard to support the U.S./NATO position on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, especially where it concerns the imposition of sanctions. What’s it all about? From Mohammed Ben Salman Stiff-Arming The Biden Administration to the U.S. U-turn on returning to the JCPOA (now they are trying desperately to cut a deal with Iran), to Israeli and Turkish angst about their futures – the Middle East – as we have – noted in previous programs is in the process of geopolitical shifts of the first magnitude. The Russian invasion of Ukraine did not trigger these changes but it has magnified them already. Kazerooni and Prince continue the discussion of the Ukrainian conflict’s consequences for the Middle east.
Stay tuned… Tuesday, March 24, 2022 @ 6-7 pm on KGNU Boulder, Colorado, Hemispheres, Middle East Dialogues with Ibrahim Kazerooni and Rob Prince, produced by Jim Nelson.
Beit Ummar
What happened during this war was really terrible mostly in Sheikh Jarrah and Gaza. Gaza was destroyed. The situation was very bad here in Beit Ummar and the West Bank in general. Israeli soldiers were coming into the town daily even more than once a day. The soldiers caused many troubles for those who were coming to or leaving the town. They were spread everywhere on the entrance of Beit Ummar and on the balconies or roofs of citizens' houses, and their guns were always pointed at people. To be honest, we didn't fear them at all; even the youngest went out to resist. Yes, Gaza was destroyed; many people were killed, many arrested; and there was always tension - but our voice reached many countries around the world. Huge numbers of people became our supporters and saw the truth. Israel definitely had not expected that or the destruction that happened in their living area.
Currently, it's not as bad as before, but we don't know what might happen later.